The Realistic Holistic

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin + Pumpkin Porridge Breakfast Bowl (AIP, GAPS, Paleo, GF, DF)

Ok, i know, it's Post-Thanksgiving, you're done with pumpkin spice and on to peppermint mochas but GUYS!!! Pumpkins are still in season!!! They will be until January and they're as delcious and nutritious as they are in October so get back on board!

Still not convinced? Here are some surprising health benefits of pumpkin that might just change your mind.



Just 1 cup of pumpkin contains more than 200% of your RDA intake of vitamin A, an essential vitamin & antioxidant for wound healing.


Vitamin A also aids vision, helping you to see in dim & dark light, so you’re getting a double whammy there. However, pumpkins are also rich in carotenoids, the compounds that give them their bright orange colour, which offer addition ocular protection.


These carotenoids I mentioned are actually powerful antioxidants, which have the ability to prevent free-radical damage and slow the signs of aging, including the development of wrinkles!

The vitamin A also comes back into play here as it helps to heal the skin, improving the complexion, especially after acne or eczema flares.


The antioxidant action of the carotenoids in pumpkins may play a role in cancer prevention. It is important to note that, according to the NIH, food sources of carotenoids (especially beta-carotene) seem to make a bigger impact than supplementation.


One cup of pumpkin contains more than 11mg of vitamin C, a well known immune boosting nutrient. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant!


Bananas get all the glory when it comes to potassium, but pumpkin actually has more per cup than they do! Potassium helps to restore your electrolyte balance post-workout and helps keep muscles functioning optimally.

Pretty great benefits right? I would eat this paleo porridge all year round, even if it didn’t offer any benefits! It’s that yummy!

Oh and yes, I said paleo!

This porridge is totally oat & grain-free!

It is the perfect AIP breakfast option for those missing their hot breakfast cereals. It also works for those following GAPS, paleo, gluten-free and dairy-free diets.

It's also perfect for batch cooking! Make as much as you can and keep it in the fridge for up to a week. It’s actually delicious cold and take 1 hot second to heat up! ;)

Check this baby out!

Pumpkin Porridge Breakfast Bowl

(AIP, GAPS, Paleo, GF, DF)

TIME: 20 minutes



1 1/2 cups pureed pumpkin (or 1 can)

1 banana (mashed)

1/4 cup coconut flour

1/4 cup collagen powder

2/3 cups shredded coconut

2/3 cup water

1 cup coconut milk

1/8 tsp sea salt

2 tsps cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

1/8 tsp ground cloves

1 tsp vanilla extract (alcohol-free for AIP)


1) Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan over low heat.

2) Bring to a simmer, stirring consistently, until the mixture is thickened to the consistency of oatmeal.

3) Spoon into serving bowls and top with whatever makes you happy!

Ok, last pumpkin recipe of the year… I promise!

If you make this recipe, please feel free to take a pic and tag me on instagram @realistic.holistic and use #realisticholistic :) I’ll be sure to share your culinary adventure!

COMMENT below if you have any questions or comments about the recipe! I’m always here to help & I love hearing what your experience was with the recipe!

SHARE this with a friend who wants to keep their morning porridge but should really be avoiding grains! <3 I feel that!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

xox Meg