Posts tagged nutrition
How Many Servings of Vegetables Do I Need? Why? How!?!

Let’s get real about the most important part of our diet: vegetables! Forget all the other fancy stuff for a second and lets focus back in on why vegetables should be the first thing we think of when we’re looking to improve our health, how many servings we need and how the heck to fit them all in!

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How to Beat Chocolate Cravings + Snow Turtles Recipe (Paleo, GF, DF, V)

Click through to find few quick tips on beating your chocolate cravings, achieving your new years resolutions and a healthy homemade chocolate treat that will help you out along the way!

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin + Pumpkin Porridge Breakfast Bowl (AIP, GAPS, Paleo, GF, DF)

Check out some of the health benefits of pumpkin and grab my AIP Pumpkin Porridge Breakfast Bowl to start reaping those benefits from your first bite of the day!

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Chocolate Chia Candy Cane Pudding

A gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo and vegan optional holiday breakfast (dessert?), perfect for Christmas morning magic! 

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